Who knew that an upside-down, stepside-style bumper could look this good?
I got the idea from a C10 blog. But the real trick is tucking it in nice and tight. I got my metal fab guy involved.
We mocked up the flipped 60-66 C10 step-side-style rear bumper and tucked it much tighter to the back of the truck. As you can see, we lopped off over five inches from the rear frame rails.
So, my Suburban just got a tad shorter. Ha.
[ Chop, chop ]
[ Once the bumper attachments are finalized, we'll re-contour the curvature at the inner corners
to follow the shape of the bodyline. The tape approximates the amount of material we'll remove. ]
[ Here's the bumper tucked nice and tightly. ]
[ We fabricated templates for the two new bumper brackets and modified the outer bumper supports by realigning and redrilling the attachment points on the rear frame. The outer supports are all that's currently holding the bumper in place, hence the jack stands. ]
[ A side view. ]
[ The next step once the final attachment points are done will be to shave the bumpers bolts
and weld them to the inside. ]
[ Once shaved, we'll paint the bumpers in the same silver as the roof, grill, and rear plate support. ]
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