The best of both worlds. 

Given the my lower front fender supports were the only area with rust, we opted to patch in the new bottoms and keep 80% of the OG supports.

With my wleder here, I also hade him weld in a bung for the Holley Sniper's O2 sensor.

Next stop for the headers will be Jet-Hot on OK for recoating the headers after a dozen years of wear and tear.

Out with the old...

....in with the new.

We replaced the rusted parts on both lower rear corners of the front fenders, the Achilles heels of my era of C10.

The driver's side was in worse shape and required a little more f the reproduction part with matched in quite nicely. 

MAking sure we have a clean edge for the welds.

Taiwanese leftovers. 

Bodywork is where the emblems were removed. 


A good metal fab guy is a good thing to have.  Onward. 


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