The finest Taiwanese reproduction parts arrive today and that means more metal fabrication is in my near future. Given the extent of the rust issue, I will likely be using only the bottom sections of these front fender mounts which were rust where C10 are most notorious for doing so, the bottom rear corner of the front fenders.

The pieces actually don't look half bad but in typical reproduction part fashion, they're far from amazing. 

Case in point, the castle nuts welded to the lower corner. They're course thread, whereas the stock
bolts are fine thread. Nothing a little retapping of the thread can't fix, but sheesh, people, really?

This is the better of the two sides. 

Now it's a fine thread hole. Good thing I have taps.

I'll let my fabricator determined whether we use all or part of the supports. We'll be doing both sides and that'll have me on track to bolting the fenders back in.



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