As touched on in yesterday's post, today was spent prepping and organizing my parts. Sweeping and getting the space ready for the arrival of the Smeding engine.
I still have the nose of the Burb to remove along with the front bulkhead. Once I've done that, it's a straight shot to pull the engine and tranny out, and theoretically just as easy to put the new motor in. But given the amount of detailing I'm planning to do, it could be a while before the new motor goes in.
Patience. Virtue. It's true.
So I added to my parts, packed everything into boxes, marked it, and redistributed the boxes among my shelving unit in a neat and orderly fashion.
Organizing has never been my strong suit but by forcing the issue, and perhaps over-organizing, I'm keeping my inner-pig at bay. And the tidier I keep my garage, the less daunting the task feels.
Tomorrow will we more organizing and cleaning of the entire garage. including the areas surrounding my 27 Model T coupe and my 29 Model A roadster.
As part of the organizing principles I'm using for my Burb, I'm also boxing all of the parts for my other cars. too.
It feels good to get organized.
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