The day started with me masking the edges of the fenders with Blue 3M masking tape to protect the paint from being damaged during removal or reassembly.

And here we are with the pass fender removed.
And, the driver side, as well.
One off, one to go.
At this point, I diligently marked the shims and their placement.
Notes on the shims and the fenders.
The AC condensor/evaporator is held on the AC Radiator with two cylindrical clamps.
NOTE Hose #5 get this part just inched off of the firewall.
And here's the passenger fender devoid of all hoses and stereo and starter wires.
Let the serious detailing begin as soon as the engine is out.
Radiator, AC radiator are both out, leaving only the transmission cooler still to remove.

The AC radiator is attached at all four corners by these brackets.
Driver top bracket reference.
Shims are zipped and carefully marked.
I very nearly got the front nose off but got into a bottle with the last bolt and rather than get pissed, I doused it in PB Blaster (my new BFF) and will go back to battle that tomorrow.
Happy Tuesday.
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